The leadership of the Art Association sees its main task in passing centuries-old cultural heritage to our children. We strive to showcase the unique art of Russia by developing authentic national culture, carefully preserving traditions, adapting them to modernity, and creating new ones. Additionally, we aim to popularize Russian art and develop interregional creative connections.

We build our work based on the experience of creating creative unions, starting from the first post-revolutionary associations - branches of the Association of Artists of Revolutionary Russia (AARR). On the other hand, the decision to create our union appeared while studying the demands of the modern creative intelligentsia and the desire of artists, writers, musicians, choreographers, actors - to unite for collaborative projects.


Member of the Eurasian Art Union Association
If a candidate is a member of artistic unions, foundations, and associations, and actively engages in the World of Art (creativity, economy, numismatics, patronage, art history), they may become a member of the Eurasian Art Union under a simplified system by submitting the necessary materials to the directorate electronically.

Members of the Eurasian Art Union have the right to actively participate in the Union’s programs and projects, propose projects and initiatives that can promote the union’s recognition and advertising, and participate in legally significant acts of the union.
Members will be listed on the website and can use all services of the Eurasian Art Union for a nominal fee, with some services provided for free according to the rate schedule.

Member of the Club of the Eurasian Art Union Association
Anyone with interests related to art (creativity, economy, numismatics, arts patronage, art history) can become a member of the club by simply registering on our website, providing their last name and first name, email address, contact phone number, and password.

Club members have the right to participate in the Union’s programs and projects and to propose projects and actions that can promote the union’s recognition and advertising.

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